101-A Chadwick Square Court Hendersonville, NC 28739

Current Patients (828) 696-3337

New Patients (828) 247-7001

Emergency Dentist Hendersonville, NC

In the event of a dental emergency, call Orchard Hill Dental at (828) 247-7001.

If your emergency is happening during business hours, call our office to discuss your concerns and schedule an appointment. We will return your message as soon as possible and attempt to schedule your appointment for the next day. If your emergency is after hours, you can call our office. We will contact Dr. Jessica Christy or another available dentist for emergency dental treatment in Hendersonville, NC. In addition to providing general dentistry treatments, our office offers emergency dental care.

Emergency Dentistry in Hendersonville, North Carolina

Types of Emergency Dental Problems

Tooth Pain

Toothaches are a common dental concern of many patients. If you feel tooth pain, you can try to rinse the tooth with warm water or a diluted salt solution. If you experience swelling, apply a cold compress to the cheek or outside of the mouth to reduce discomfort. Did you know an abscess can cause tooth pain? In this case, do not attempt to open or drain the abscess, and do not apply painkillers directly against the gum area or aching tooth.

Broken or Missing Dental Crown

If your dental crown breaks or falls out, we might not be able to reuse it, but please save the restoration if possible. Do not attempt to glue or reattach the filling or dental crown. We will be able to replace your crown with a brand new one.

Broken or Knocked-Out Teeth

Retrieve the tooth, if possible, holding it by the crown (the part that is normally exposed in your mouth). Gently rinse the tooth, but do not scrub or remove any attached tissue. The ADA recommends storing the tooth in a small container with your own saliva or milk. Teeth have the greatest chance of being placed back in the socket within one hour of being knocked out.

If it cannot be saved, we offer a full range of restorative dentistry services such as dental implants or bridges.

Chipped Tooth

If you have just chipped a tooth, clean the area gently by rinsing it with water. You can also use over the counter pain relievers and cold compresses placed on the outside of the mouth to combat tooth pain. Do not place anything directly on the damaged area of the tooth. Porcelain veneers or tooth bonding are treatments that we can use to fix your chipped tooth.

Broken Dentures or Dental Bridge

Save the broken denture or bridge and bring it with you to your appointment if possible. In some cases, we can repair dentures and dental bridges. Our dentists will determine if we can repair or replace your denture or bridge.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common dental emergency?

The most commonly reported dental emergency is a toothache. Underlying issues, including cavities and teeth grinding, commonly cause toothaches. The best way to relieve toothache pain is to rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution or take an OTC pain-relieving medication.

How do I know if my tooth infection is spreading?

The best way to know if your tooth infection is spreading is to look for symptoms, including an increase in inflammation, dehydration, a fever, and stomach pain. If you are experiencing any of these and think it’s from a tooth infection, call our office to schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

How do you handle dental emergencies until you can visit a dentist?

Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater is the best way to handle dental emergencies. This will reduce inflammation and draw out bacteria. If you are bleeding, applying gauze to the area until the bleeding stops will help the blood clot. Applying an ice pack to the area may also help reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Can an emergency dentist remove wisdom teeth?

Yes, some emergency dentists can remove wisdom teeth if they need to. In cases where you need a wisdom tooth extraction due to severe pain or an infection, an emergency dentist may be able to provide immediate care. However, not all emergency dentists perform wisdom tooth extractions. In some cases, the emergency dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon for the procedure.

Call Our Dentist in Hendersonville, NC

Do you have a dental emergency? Call our office at (828) 247-7001. If you have a non-emergency dental treatment that you are interested in, you can request an appointment with us online. The team at Orchard Hill Dental provides high-quality care to patients with complex dental cases. Dr. Christy aims to provide personalized care that improves the form and function of the patient’s smiles, especially following dental difficulty.