101-A Chadwick Square Court Hendersonville, NC 28739

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Sedation Dentistry Hendersonville, NC

Sedation dental treatment can be a great option for patients who suffer from dental fear or anxiety, have a strong gag reflex, or have sensitive teeth. Patients with past traumatic experiences at the dentist or need multiple surgery treatments. Your dentist in Hendersonville, NC, Dr. Jessica Christy, provides patients with sedation dentistry solutions at Orchard Hill Dental. Our sedation options are a solution for patients with anxiety about one of the restorative, cosmetic, or general dentistry services we provide.

Sedation Dentistry Options in Hendersonville, NC

At Orchard Hill Dental, we offer multiple methods of sedation to help patients get the treatment they need. Before treatment, Dr. Christy will discuss your options with you so you can collaborate on a decision that will work best for your particular needs. Dr. Christy and her dental team will also consider your budget, goals, and overall oral health before deciding on a treatment. We offer anesthesia and IV conscious sedation to patients. Learn more below.

IV conscious sedation: This type of sedation is administered by IV directly into the bloodstream. Patients may even feel so relaxed with this type of sedation that they fall asleep. However, patients can also remain conscious during treatment but will not remember the procedure.

General anesthesia: Anesthesia is designed to allow patients to sleep during their treatment. Using this sedation method, patients do not remember anything that happens when they are unconscious. Both of these options require a driver to and from your appointment.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

In sedation dentistry discussions, many people focus on patients who fear the dentist. Dental anxiety occurs on a spectrum. Some patients may only be triggered by certain dental sounds or tools, while others have a fear so debilitating they can’t even come into the office. Patients with dental fear are more likely to avoid regular dental visits, so they’re more likely to have serious dental problems that require intensive care.

Sedation allows these patients to be comfortable coming into the office for regular dental care appointments. It can also help patients with severe oral health problems that require multiple procedures or treatment methods to cure, which require long hours in the dental chair. This is also true for any patient requiring a long chair stint. It’s hard to remain calm and stay in one place for too long.

Sedation is also good for patients with movement disorders. Dentistry is a precise art that requires sharp instruments. If you move involuntarily, the dentist will likely mess up or accidentally get a sharp instrument into your soft tissue. Sedation relaxes these movements so you can get safe, quality dental care.

This is true for patients with severe gag reflexes. When you have a bad gag reflex, it fights the dentist while they’re trying to work in your mouth. It makes treatment more difficult, and it takes longer. It’s incredibly uncomfortable for the patient, and it can even lead to vomiting. Sedation relaxes this reflex, making dentistry more comfortable.

Dental Sedation FAQs

Sedation dentistry guarantees relaxation and comfort throughout a visit to our office. Read the answers to these commonly asked questions to learn more.

What should you not do before being sedated?

Before dental sedation, patients mustn’t eat or drink anything for 8 hours before their appointment. Drinking water until two hours before your appointment is okay, but all other foods and drinks must be avoided. Your stomach must be empty for sedation to work.

How long does dental sedation take to wear off?

Patients should allow 24 hours for full effects of dental sedation to wear off, but most patients start to feel back to normal after 6-8 hours. It is normal to feel drowsy or loopy while sedation wears off. We recommend you take the rest of the day off work or school and not operate any heavy machinery until the sedation effect has completely dissipated.

Will I feel any pain with dental sedation?

Patients will feel zero pain while they are sedated. Sedation is used to keep patients comfortable and pain-free during their procedure. In addition, we still use a local anesthetic to numb the area where we’ll be working. The only thing you may feel is a bit of pressure.

Can you drive after sedation?

Patients should not drive after sedation. After sedation, you are impaired and are not capable of operating a motor vehicle. We recommend having a family member or friend drive you to and from your appointment. You’re at a high risk of crashing and injuring yourself or others if you’re driving after a sedation dentistry procedure.

If you think you would benefit from sedation dentistry, call her Hendersonville, NC dental office at (828) 247-7001 or schedule an appointment online.